Foxbury 1931 drawing

Foxbury - one of the original buildings on the road

Kemnal Road History

Kemnal Road has a remarkable history. It was created in 1873 when the owner of Kemnal Manor granted permission for a road over his land. Tony Allen and Andrew Thomas have researched the history of the road, its buildings and some of its residents. You can read the full history on this site.
The History is also available in book form here. Other publications about the Tiarks family are also available here.

Kemnal Residents Association 'KRA'

All residents of the road and its associated roads are eligible for membership of the KRA. Formed over 50 years ago to act on behalf of residents to maintain the road and footpaths it also represents residents' interests where this is felt necessary.
A small committee of residents is elected each year to ensure the road is properly maintained.
Copies of the KRA constitution, annual newsletter and AGM minutes can be found here, as well as information on neighbourhood watch etc. There is also a KRA noticeboard there.